Ultima: Exodus SIDEQUEST
SIDEQUESTs are where all three of the ISoH dudes – JAB, Jae, & Josh – incrementally fiddle with an old-school RPG, start to finish, with the assistance of vintage game literature – and we pod about it, in incredibly in-depth fashion, the entire way.
Ultima is a widely-heralded stalwart of the early (and beyond) RPG scene, so turning to it for the second of our SIDEQUESTs was an easy decision – specifically FCI’s 1989 release of ORIGIN System-developed Ultima: Exodus on the Nintendo Entertainment System. For accompanying literature we utilized the official Ultima: Exodus Hint Book, a 68-page tome published by FCI as well.
Thee podcast recordings documenting our collective quests through the game spanned a total running time of 855 minutes broken up over five episodes. You can listen to the FULL SIDEQUEST HERE, or listen to individual episodes on your preferred pod player via the links listed in King Lorik’s Imperial Scrolls of Honor herein.
Josh’s hand-drawn graph paper maps for this quest can be found HERE.