Nature vs Nurture vs Bad Video Games/Fester’s Quest (NES)
The game dudes nuke their way through Sunsoft’s Fester’s Quest on the Nintendo Entertainment System and figure
Watching E3 Instead of Podcasting/GamePro #8
The dudes work through some LJN baggage whilst flipping through the pages of GamePro issue #8. (Mag
Just Nouns/Atarian #1
The dudes talk about Atari, but really Subnautica, while flipping through Atarian Video Game Magazine issue numero
Forgot How to Podcast/Heavy Barrel (NES)
The game dudes forgot how to podcast, but bumble through Data East’s Heavy Barrel on the Nintendo
Stupid Kid Sh*t/Nintendo Power #11
The dudes decide there is no need to apologize to Magic Johnson and cast their 1989 Nintendo
4-3-6-3-3-6-1/Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! (NES)
The game dudes climb the mountain that is Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! on the Nintendo Entertainment System. (Game
Fanny Pack Attack/GamePro #7
The dudes compare fanny packs and baseball card collections while precariously navigating the sportstravaganza known as GamePro
80’s Cocaine Creativity/Golden Axe (GEN)
The game dudes concede they’re not going to stop watching Kurt Russell movies as they bring the
Friday Night Rental Store Nightmare/GamePro #6
The dudes have their entire pod-based existence come into question while thumbing through GamePro issue #6. (Mag
He Gives A Great Puff-Puff/River City Ransom (NES)
The game dudes don’t shy away from full male nudity while getting down with Technos/Nintendo of America