Power Glove Banning/GamePro #5
The dudes ponder the finer things in life - Jose Canseco’s twitter account, Nintendo rigmarole, not controlling
Welcome to Your Doom/Altered Beast (GEN)
The game dudes remember Bear Grylls’ crevasses, ponder bear breath and how funny bears are in general,
Dropping Quarters/Team Sega Newsletter #7
The dudes discuss pinball wizardry, writing ALF episodes on heroin, and calling audibles while closing out the
ORDER OF ERDRICK: Blake J. Harris Interview
Josh banters with Blake about his epic telling of the 16-Bit gaming era in both book and
100 Hours Off Punishment/GamePro #4
The dudes hammer out a read-through of GamePro issue #4 on the shortest of notice, thanks to
Aimless Podcasting/Wonder Boy III: The Dragon’s Trap (SMS)
The game dudes try to narrowly avoid being smitten by the podcast gods while yearning for the
Swishy Pants/GamePro #3
The dudes meander through Jae’s Viking vs. Roman Warrior bias, hoodie ninjas, the dawn of retro gaming
The Scholastic Book Club/GamePro #2
The dudes begin their post-COVID rollout of ISOH with publicly declaring their scholastic book fair acquisitions, deciding
Nothing to Proview/GamePro #1
The dudes discuss spending more time in the lab at NASA, destroying ill-equipped children in dodge ball
The Eternal Stalactite-Stalagmite Quandary/Rastan (SMS)
The pod careens out of the holiday break with a new game dude, Jae Baxtron, to mull over product