Tolerable If Mom Brought It Home/GamePro #15
The dudes pump up their Reebok Pumps and get to the bottom of the inception of Yakity
Team Chip vs Team Dale/Nintendo Power #14
The dudes take their mullet analysis to a whole new level while covering Nintendo Power issue #14.
Biohazard Remediation/Batman: The Video Game (NES)
The game dudes reevaluate their relationships with retro gaming while working the 12 steps of Batman: The
Supreme Overlord Santa/GamePro #11
The dudes deck the halls with the pages of GamePro issue #11. (Mag Analysis Starts @ 37:12) Hosts:
Clothes Like a D*ckhead/Zoom! (GEN)
The game dudes analyze the most efficient manner by which to get jiggy with Sega’s 1990 release
Bubbles the Chimp/Sega Visions #1
The dudes finally figure out how to record a semi-professional-sounding podcast en route to toppling the inaugural
80’s Cocaine Creativity/Golden Axe (GEN)
The game dudes concede they’re not going to stop watching Kurt Russell movies as they bring the